International Project
Spanish in Europe
Demography of the speakers of a language
The interdisciplinary research project Spanish in Europe analyses the Spanish language in the old continent. It aims to provide a quantitative and qualitative description of the linguistic and cultural geography of Spanish and its speakers with a specific focus on the dynamics of migration, demography and education. The demolinguistic methods developed for this purpose enable us to understand the process of internationalisation of the Spanish language and is simultaneously useful as an empirical basis for language and culture planning.
Bleortu, C. et al. (2024): “Demolingüística del español en Rumanía, Bulgaria y Moldavia”, Madrid: Instituto Cervantes.
The project Spanish in Europe was recently awarded with the prize Premio de Hispanismo Internacional Fundación Duques de Soria. Read more about it here.
Direction: Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (Heidelberg University) and the University of Zurich
Presentación del libro “Demolingüística del español en Rumanía, Bulgaria y Moldavia”
Watch presentations of the published volumes:
“Demolingüística del español en Portugal” (2022)

Cooperating institutions
Aarhus University DK
University of Athens GR
University of Belgrade RS Belarusian National Technical University BLR
University of Bucharest RO
Comenius University in Bratislava SK
University of Copenhagen DK University College Cork IE
Yerevan State University AM
Stockholm University SE Dnipro University of Technology UA
University of Ljubljana SI
University of Lorraine FR
P. Mohyla Black Sea National University UA
University of Milan IT
Moldova State University MD
Moscow State Linguistic University RU
United World College Mostar BA
University of Navarra SP
University of Oslo NO The Open University UK University of Oxford UK
Tampere University FI Tbilisi State University GE
University of Tirana AL
University of Toulouse FR
University of Sarajevo BA University of Silesia PL University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice CZ
Sofia University BG
Ss. Cyril and Methodius U. in Skopje MK Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava RO
University of Szeged HU
Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies
Brunnengasse 1
69117 Heidelberg